Booking conditions

General booking conditions for the hotel and restaurant industry. 1:

1. the guest accommodation contract is concluded as soon as the room has been ordered (booking) and confirmed (confirmation). Both oral and written form are binding for the confirmation. 2.
The conclusion of the guest accommodation contract obliges the contracting parties to fulfil the contract, irrespective of the duration of the contract. 3.
The landlord is obliged to compensate the guest in the event of non-provision of the room. 4.
4. the guest shall be obliged to pay the agreed or customary price in the event of non-utilisation of the contractual services, less the expenses saved by the landlord. According to experience, the savings amount to 10% of the accommodation price for overnight stays (Fewo), 20% of the accommodation price for bed and breakfast, 30% of the accommodation price for half board and 40% of the accommodation price for full board. The guest is at liberty to prove that the host has not incurred any compensation or that the compensation is significantly lower than the above-mentioned cancellation fee. 5.
(5) The landlord is obliged in good faith to let unused rooms to other guests if possible in order to avoid losses.
(6) Until the room has been let to another party, the guest shall pay the amount calculated in accordance with clause 4 for the duration of the contract.
7) Exclusive place of jurisdiction is the place of business.
8. payment modalities: you will receive an invoice from us by e-mail for the amount of the overnight stay, which is due one week before arrival. The spa fee can be paid on site by EC card or in cash.
We recommend that you take out travel cancellation insurance!
Cancellation is free of charge up to 30 days before arrival. In case of cancellation at short notice, we charge 90% of the accommodation price. The fees are only due if we are unable to let the holiday flat to another party during the period or only partially. We generally recommend that you take out European travel cancellation insurance.
10. check-in: on the day of arrival 16:00 - 20:00 hrs or by arrangement, check-out on the day of departure by 10:00 hrs

Platform for online dispute resolution of the European Commission - https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/


Haus am Rank GmbH & Co. KG
Familie Schratt
Rubihornstraße 6
87561 Oberstdorf / Schöllang
Tel. +49 8326 291


Ferienwohnungen in Oberstdorf im Allgäu

Familienurlaub mit den Großeltern in der großen Ferienwohnung oder ein kuschliges Apartment zu zweit. Sauna oder Whirlpool-Grotte kann man ganz privat nutzen, das Frühstücksbuffet flexibel wählen... Die perfekte Unterkunft für Gruppen und ein Ferienhaus für Anspruchsvolle.




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